Blackberry Playbook Android Player Pushed Back Until Fall

Even though it was originally supposed to be released this summer, rumor is that the Android Player for Playbook is getting further pushed back to a fall release date. Which would make it sometime between September and November. It’s already closing in on RIM’s supposed release date:

“An older version of the Android App Player beta software for the BlackBerry PlayBook was inadvertently posted and has since been removed. We recommend that users refrain from downloading and installing this software since it is outdated and non-functional in many respects. The official beta release of the Android App Player for the BlackBerry PlayBook is on track for release later this summer.”

If the reason it is being pushed back because of functionality or glitches, then a few months isn’t a big deal. RIM has yet to confirm or deny these rumors.


About Edwin Gomez

I'm a son, brother, friend, husband, father, gamer and a addict to my BlackBerry. Been addicted to my BlackBerry since the BlackBerry Pearl(8100) when it can out on T-Mobile. I love everything about BlackBerry.

Posted on August 3, 2011, in android, Android Market Place, Blackberry Devices, Blackberry Software, Free, PlayBook. Bookmark the permalink. Leave a comment.

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